Who & Where

Intercessors for Haiti is an indigenous ministry located in northern Haiti with churches in the city of Cap-Haitien and the surrounding countryside.

Pastor Clexorne M. Presume has been used by God to help plant three churches, with eight pastors and an association of 25 pastors and 23 church leaders througout the area

Programs & Plans

The ministry also provides food, clothing and shelter to needy children, education through primary schools, prison outreach, and evangelistic crusades. Some plans for the future include opening an orphanage, more schools, a farm cooperative, a clinic and to be able to preach the gospel over the radio.


How to Help

First, become an Intercessor for Haiti. Pray that The name of Jesus will be lifted high and that He will be glorified in all we do.

Secondly, you may contact us about sharing in this work through finances, supplies and equipment.

Contact Info

Pastor Clexorne M Presume
Intercessors For Haiti

P.O. BOX 50
CAP-Haitien, Haiti, WEST INDIES
Telephone: 011-509-3785-8842/ 3785-8844